In a culture where everyone’s voices are raised in outrage, the witness about justice, morality, and correct stance is prominent. There stands a multitude of witnesses demanding change. We each serve as that witness. If this day and age were on trial, we would be in the jury box. The world would have to stand trial and explain why it has committed the atrocities it has committed.
As the jury, we would hear the case, the cleverly laid out arguments, and withdraw to the jury chamber to reach a verdict. If the world were on trial, we would unite and give voice to justice. We would reach a decision and justice would be served. Let the people serve as witnesses today.
In our father’s generation and our grandfather’s generation, they lived in a day and age where the witness against the world was not as evident. They lived in relative peace and harmony. They knew of injustices here and there, felt them occasionally, or even ignored them completely. For many, it was a blissful existence. For many others, it was not bliss, but a continuation of inhumane racial actions, injustice, and a continued controlling power. There were many witnesses then, too, but no one cared about the injustices which were left to rot and fester in the hearts and minds of so many people.
Justice was never served for many people throughout the generations.
As Christians, we are to be a voice and a witness. We boldly declare Jesus every single day as witnesses. Yet Jesus was unjustly condemned for a crime he did not commit. His friends and family stood in the distance while he was killed; they served as witnesses for that day and age of the injustices committed. Jesus rose again fully healed to ascend into heaven. Those same witnesses served to witness his resurrection and righteousness. As witnesses today of all that Jesus has done, of the words that he proclaimed, of the Gospel which gives life and heals every broken heart, we have a responsibility to see justice delivered in the world. The war we wage is a spiritual war which includes prayer, preaching the Gospel, and establishing the justice of the Lord on the earth.
The justice Christians are to seek is a justice not of the world. It is an ideal society where there is no more sin or evil and where everyone of every color, ethnicity, gender, and race can live in harmony.
“After this I looked, and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people, and language, standing before the throne and before the Lamb. They were wearing white robes and were holding palm branches in their hands.”
(Rev. 7:9)
Christians seek a utopia where love, peace, and perfect harmony abounds. It is a place filled with grace, laughter, and sunlight. A place where every Christian will one day go, to heaven’s perfect peace. Christians belong in a world not like this one. Heaven is a world we strive to make, yet realize we will fail until we reach the end of our struggles.
As witnesses of the Gospel, every Christian has a responsibility to engage in war in this world. It is a war unlike any other kind. It is a war where no weapons are raised and no person is killed. A war against every inhumane, deceitful, evil, and unjust action. A war where every single Christian has a responsibility to be a witness in the jury of the world, rendering the verdict of right and wrong. A war where the words of the mouth proclaim loudly and boldly that Jesus came to love and save humanity, and he hates every crime committed against it. Jesus was a criminal unjustly sentenced to death, he was hated for what he stood for, and in the end, the age he lived in was ultimately condemned. We live in a remarkably similar day and age today. Though Jesus does not physically walk around, the same types of injustices rage today. Today’s news images fill many people’s hearts and souls like the image of Jesus nailed to a cross. It is disturbing, impactful, and wrenches the heart and soul. Today is no different from that day.
The Gospel is proclaimed to set the captive free from sin and bondage. It is a message of love, acceptance, and the righting of every wrong for the forgiveness of sins. To look the other way when injustices rage is to deny the authority and power of the Gospel to bring justice.
Many across the world are in shackles and chains due to the sins of others. Every Christian is called to war to set the captives free in the name of Jesus Christ. Christians are called to serve as witnesses, to give the verdict of crimes committed, and to see justice served. They are called to raise their voices, establish righteousness, and condemn every form of wickedness, in every matter, with the authority of Jesus Christ. To be a witness is not political; it is judiciary, moral, ethical, and Christian. Justice crosses all boundaries of race, political stance, nationality, religion, and ideology.
It is time for Christians to rise up in power and go to war. It is a war unlike what we have been taught about. It is a war of serving as witness to the atrocities of this age. It is a war that proclaims justice, sets the captives free, and proclaims the lordship of Jesus over all the earth.
Christians serve a Lord and King whose ways are not of this world. They serve under an eternal King who establishes absolute justice and peace. In the Name of Jesus Christ whom we serve, it is time to serve as witnesses and help render the final verdict over every injustice, inhumane crime, and sin committed. “But let justice roll on like a river, righteousness like a never-failing stream!” (Amos 5:24)
Reality Changing Observations:
- How have I allowed injustice to continue around me without serving as a Christian witness?
- Are there areas where I fail to speak up while injustice surrounds me?
- How can I help my fellow brother or sister who carries the shackles of someone else’s sin committed against them?