Your Ancestors’ Genetic History May Be the Reason for Your Talents and Your Fear

Science indicates that some human memories may pass between generations through DNA, reinforcing the need for care and equal opportunity for all.

In 1970, George C. Scott starred as the World War II United States General George S. Patton in the critically acclaimed biographical war film Patton, which went on to win seven Academy Awards. In the film, Scott portrays a general who believes he is a reincarnated war soldier. The real General Patton took immense pride in these perceived mystical ties with his ancestors. In fact, Patton was the descendant of an aristocratic Welsh family with an extensive military history.

As odd as all that sounds, science may suggest that his intuition was not too far from the facts.

The National Center for Biotechnical Information and have both published stories that imply humans may in fact be born with memories of our ancestors imprinted on our DNA. This might explain why some people, like Patton, intuitively know how to do certain things in life without formal or practical education in those areas.

Scientist speculate it is possible that some of our most basic survival instincts may actually develop from trauma experienced in past generations, such as the death of a loved one. It has furthermore been contended in studies that certain memories may shape genetic material in a way that can be carried on to offspring. These genetic transfers have the possibility of being either helpful or unhelpful to the descendent.

man 2125123 1920 Your Ancestors' Genetic History May Be the Reason for Your Talents and Your Fear

Some of this information has been discovered in clinical trials where rodents have exhibited the ability to breed-learn into the next generation. If the rodent’s parents learned to solve problematic aspects of, say, a maze, then it has been demonstrated that the progeny don’t have to relearn those same skills because they already inherently “remember” them. As a result of experimentation, scientists have determined that it is also very possible that humans may have a similar ability to retain memories in our genetic material.

It is biologically plausible that such phenomena as instinct, phobias, and anxiety may actually be a result of trauma or historical oppression that is linked to our genetic memory from our ancestors. In the same way, gifted people may inherit advantageous skills or talents–like playing an instrument or math and problem-solving skills–from their ancestors.

While more research is still needed to better understand genetic memory, the implications of these findings could be enormous. Do such genetic memory-transfers extend to skills like prayer, love, and generosity? Or conversely, what harm may be being done to people because of society’s ill treatment of them? Could depression, anger, and frustration be infused in a person’s genetics as result of systematic abuse?

Reality Changing Observations:

1. What events in your ancestors’ history might have impacted your genetics?

2. What responsibility does humanity have to provide equal opportunity or reparative aid to those in need?

3. What parts of your character might be have been passed down to you through your lineage?

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