Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning in Safety Stewardship

In the article Safety Tech Trends: Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning,” Arian Rahimian from eCompliance discussed tapping into Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning for Safety Stewardship; defining each as:


Gartner defines Artificial Intelligence as technology that appears to emulate human performance typically by learning, coming to its own conclusions, and executing on a clearly defined task. AI learns from data by uncovering trends with techniques such as Machine Learning to analyze the data.

Machine Learning

Deloitte defines Machine Learning as the artificial intelligence technology that uses data to automatically discover patterns and trends to make more accurate predictions of future events.

The article fundamentally describes the rise of these fields in Safety. In fact, Arian forwards real-world examples of how AI and Machine Learning are already being used in Safety:

Intelligent Word & Image Recognition –, a media management platform for industrial photos and videos, uses machine learning to automatically scan and tag safety issues in captured images and videos from a job site. It gathers data from field workers’ phones and project management software to analyze and categorize safety issues using machine learning– ensuring safety professionals aren’t missing any potential job site risks.

Visualizations from The Sky – Project Visualization Company, SiteAware, specializes in 3D Visualizations with autonomous situation-aware drones. They focus on enabling project monitoring and site management capabilities by using these drones to scan and capture images on a job site. With these images, SiteAware can produce 4-D models with automatic detections of changes in models – allowing site logistic decisions, investigation of site locations, and analysis of job site progress to be all autonomously accomplished.

Robotics in Construction – Automating the world’s dirtiest, and deadliest jobs is Clearpath Robotics vision for the integration of robotics within job sites. They offer a fleet of aquatic, aerial and ground robots that can navigate constricting and unsafe environments while collecting, tracking and analyzing data of their current environment. Their technologies use machine learning to guide these vehicles to the same spot and analyze the image data for possible defects.

The article supports the reality that rapid use of AI and Machine Learning in Safety functions is occurring. The ability to use AI to drive safety is incredible! Machine Learning even has the potential to drive true zero incident cultures! That means that more grandparents, parents, and children come home safely each day. The future is here. ​

Reality Changing Observations:

1. Do you see AI shaping safety in your life?

2. Could Machine Learning change our public safety?

3. Would you be willing to drive a car completely made & assembled by AI?

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