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How Does God Feel When We Lose Faith?

(Read the previous devotion here.)

Hebrews 12:1-3

This scripture passage speaks of what we have to endure as Christians. Our faith gets tested. Experiencing opposition, suffering, and even shame can test our faith. 

Why would our heavenly Father allow us to endure so much pain? To understand this, let’s look at our parents, caregivers, coaches, and mentors. They often use discipline or our setbacks as a teaching tool, which makes us tougher and prepares us to face our new challenges. Let’s compare a father who does not discipline his children to a father who disciplines his children: which children do you think will be more prepared and equipped after they go out into the world on their own? 

Every morning, I see my partner John go into a quiet space and read the Bible. He does this every day because of his faith. He created this daily routine when he was very young, spending 30 minutes reading the Bible and saying a prayer. This has helped him make it through very challenging times. It also keeps him connected to the truths in scripture, which help him endure times of testing.  


Heavenly Father, help us to be people of faith, especially during times of challenges, knowing that it will only make us stronger servants of you and of others. Amen.  

Radmila Lolly 

(Read the next devotion here.)