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Fighting Evil with the Word of God

(Read the previous devotion here.)

Mathew 4:1–11

In college, we would approach the end of the semester, and the professor might say that the final exam was open-book. Some people would be relieved. But me? I would grimace every time this happened, as I knew what it meant: the test was going to be much harder! Some students would rely on the fact that they could use the textbook, but I knew that in just one hour, I would not be able to successfully find and answer the test questions to my satisfaction. I needed to know the chapters, and perhaps the book would serve to provide more details if time permitted. 

The passage of Matthew 4:1-9 reminds me of that time. The devil tempts Jesus three times while he is vulnerable. He even cites Scripture to do it. Yet Jesus is able to withstand his temptations by knowing the word of God.

It is easy in today’s times to lose track of ourselves and think that some things we do are okay. Oftentimes we even try to justify our behavior. However, if our foundation (knowledge of the Scripture) is strong and we continue to build on it, then we can know right from wrong, even when it is confusing or when “everyone is doing it.” 

Do you feel comfortable enough to fight Satan with the word of God?  


Dear God, I want to get to know you better and fight temptation with your word. Please help me be determined and disciplined about reading the Scripture so that I am ready to fight evil and be closer to you. Amen.

Juanita Stoica

(Read the next devotion here.)